The Scranton Chapter of UNICO National will hold its 65th Annual Charity Ball on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Fiorelli’s in Peckville, PA. This premier event provides support for Chapter activities and charities, and also is the occasion for the Chapter to bestow its most prestigious award, the “UNICAN of the Year.”  The 2025 honoree is Jo Ann Verduce. She has been an active member of the Chapter for 15 years and served in a variety of capacities, including Ladies Auxiliary President, Board Member since 2010 and Chair of the Marketing Committee for several years.

All UNICANS, guests and friends are welcome to attend. For information, please contact Chris DiMattio at 570-499-1534 or Mary Marrara at 570-499-8367.

The Planning Committee includes, seated from left: Cindy Farino; Mary Marrara, Chair; Jo Ann Verduce, 2025 “UNICAN of the Year”; Sister Maryalice Jacquinot, IHM, President & CEO, Saint Joseph’s Center, Honorary Chair.

Standing from left: Christine Zike; Dr. Peter Cognetti; Lynda Cook; Lisa Bieri; Mike Linko, Chapter President; Diane Alberigi; Atty. Frank Castellano; Patti Montalbano; Mike Rescigno; Dave Bieri; and Karen Clifford.

The Scranton Chapter of UNICO in conjunction with the Benfante Picogna family and Montaro Masonry and Snowplowing, sponsored a Michael Cavalieri film, “La Porta Dell Inferno” at the Art Haus in Scranton. This documentary pays homage to the families who labored in the horrific conditions of Sicily’s sulfur mining industry, many who afterwards left Sicily to experience similar conditions in NEPA.           Group picture: Alfredo Pisa Jr. , San Cataldo Society, Michael Cavalieri, Jean Benfante, Mike Linko, Scranton Chapter President, Connie Shine, LI Unico president, Alfredo Pisa Sr, San Cataldo Society . They are holding a carusi basket that the miners used to carry sulfur from the mines, along with a piece of sulfur from the mines in Sicily.

I would like to take a minute to thank all those who contributed to another successful year at the Unico Porketta Stand at La Festa Italiana this year. From our National Officers, Scranton Chapter Board of Directors, our 2024 Porketta Committee to our loyal members, friends and volunteers who gave their tireless efforts to ensure another prosperous conclusion, You all exemplified the meaning of Service Above Self.

Finally I want to thank our loyal supporters of our porketta stand. Your annual support of our porketta stand allows Unico to continue to invest in all our worthwhile charities such as cancer research and prevention, veterans causes, scholarships, local charities and continue to preserve Italian culture and heritage. Together you all make the Unico Porketta Stand the “Best Darn Porketta Stand in the Land!” God bless you all.

Mike Linko
Unico Scranton Chapter

The Scranton Chapter of UNICO National held its annual Past Presidents dinner at Fiorelli’s in Peckville on June 11. Pictured is Mike Linko, center, being sworn in as new Chapter President by National UNICO President Cav. Ralph Contini. At left is outgoing Chapter President Dr. Peter Cognetti.

Outgoing Scranton Chapter President Dr. Peter Cognetti receives a plaque in gratitude for his service from National President Cav. Ralph Contini.

At the Scranton Chapter Past Presidents dinner the Brian Piccolo, Capt. James Minicozzi Memorial, and DiMattio-Celli Foundation scholarships were awarded to several students. Seated from left: Dominic DeSando, Piccolo recipient; Grace Castellano, Minicozzi recipient; Antonia Piraino, Piccolo recipient; Matt Seidita, DiMattio-Celli recipient; and Louis DiMattio, Minicozzi recipient. Standing from left: parents Nick and Amy DeSando, Frank and Cammie Castellano, Lou and Kim Piraino, Mark and Christa Seidita, Ann and Past National President Chris DiMattio.

The Scranton Chapter hosted its annual golf tournament May 20 at Elmhurst Country Club in Moscow. More than 120 golfers participated. Funds raised from the tournament benefit Outreach — Center for Community Resources, which offers a variety of programs that promote family stability and economic self-sufficiency. The day included lunch and dinner, prizes and basket raffles, plus perfect weather. A great day on the links! (Photos/Lori Ryan)

Bob Pettinato accepts donation for “Peggy’s Pathway,” a foundation that supports cancer research, in honor of his late wife, Margaret Mary, who passed away in 2015. From left: Past National President and current Cancer Research and Prevention Chairman Dr. Frank DeFrank, Pettinato, UNICO National President Cav. Ralph Contini, Past National President Chris DiMattio.

At this year’s tournament, longtime Scranton UNICO member Robert W. Pettinato was honored for his contributions to the community. Pettinato has been part of the UNICO community for 50 years. He co-founded La Festa Italiana in 1975 and has a background in entrepreneurship, civil engineering and as a public official. From left: Lori Chaffers, Executive Director of Outreach; Dino Darbenzio, Chairman of the Tournament Committee; Pettinato, Honorary Chair; Dr. Peter Cognetti, Scranton Chapter President; Jim Sagona, Scranton Chapter Board Chairman; Past National President and Tournament Co-Chair Chris DiMattio; and Tournament Co-Chair Jim Brogna.


Please mail check and membership applications to UNICO Scranton Chapter: PO Box 278 Dunmore PA 18512